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I am here to help you.. I am watching!

An AMAZING story, read it!

I am here to help you.. I am watching!

среда, 30. октобар 2013.


Hey Blog nation,

Before i go off for a while, i wanted to leave you with some facts, tips and tricks that can help you with your leg workouts.

Legs are essential to your body development. You know how they say, you main muscles cant evolve without training the supporting muscles? WELL what is the one thing that supports your body?

You still don't know? .. Come on guys..its easy..its YOUR LEGS, they are supporting you 24/7, they are constantly active.. Even while your sitting, your nerves cant just sit still so you start shaking your leg in any possible way.

Squats are one of the BEST exercises that you can do. It strengthens your core which is more than AMAZING because without STRENGTH, you cant actually do anything. I mean its not that you cant do anything at all, but you will be able to do meany repetitions with a small amount of weight, which will result into conditioning, and MINIMAL growth AKA CUT not BUFF.




The shoulder is a very important part of the body. Not only does the shoulder make your upper body appear to be wider (especially good for bodybuilders), but if not trained correctly, it could give you problems for the rest of your life. The key to building massive shoulders is to understand how the shoulder works and how to keep it healthy.

I went through a two-year phase where I did almost no specific shoulder exercises. I'd fallen victim to the popular idea that the delts receive enough stimulation from horizontal pressing and pulling, and any additional work would not only be superfluous, but also potentially injurious to the shoulders.
So I focused my energy instead almost entirely on bench press variations, push-ups, rows, and chin-ups, making sure to choose pulling over pushing for optimal shoulder health.
My shoulders felt great, but they didn't get much bigger or stronger even though my lifts had all improved quite a bit and my chest and back had grown noticeably bigger.
I was also mortified to find that when I returned to vertical pressing, my overhead strength had tanked, even though my horizontal pressing had gotten better.
However, when I added more direct shoulder work back into the mix (both vertical pressing and lateral raises), my shoulders started growing again and my overhead strength improved quickly.
I was worried that putting more emphasis on vertical pressing would negatively impact my horizontal pressing, but I've actually found the opposite to be true. My horizontal pressing has also gotten stronger even though I'm doing less of it, leading me to believe that vertical pressing has more carryover to horizontal pressing than vice versa.
And by continuing to prioritize plenty of pulling into my program, my shoulders still feel great.
If you're okay with mediocre shoulder development, then no direct work is needed; otherwise, give them some direct work. This really goes for any muscle group, be it calves, biceps, triceps, etc.
If size is your only goal, you're probably fine just including some lateral raises in your program to accompany your horizontal pressing and pulling work, but if you want really strong shoulders too, vertical pressing is key.
It doesn't necessarily have to be the overhead press if your shoulders aren't up for it, but try to find a way to train the overhead pattern in a way that won't piss your shoulders off.


Legs legs LEGS!

Hey there RAW community!

As you know, most people skip leg day, and or just don't include LEGS in their training routine.
Nobody knows why.. WHY dont we like leg days, why do we find leg days tiresome and just dont want to do them like we do other parts of our body!?

Well the answer is simple.. Your mind plays a great role, Your legs are one of the strongest if not the strongest part of your body, they are the reason why you are mobile, and they are constantly under stress, unlike other parts of your body.
Your brain shuts down the will for training your legs, and than you just "HAVE" to avoid it.
Well, the brain finds it necessary for your legs to be able to move at any time, that's in our genes, if it weren't for our legs, we would have been instinct by now at least 9871523 times. So its just natural that your brain is afraid that if you overdo your legs, they wont be able to move, and if danger occurs, your bound to die.
So just FORCE the will in you.. just DO IT without listening to your mind..listen to your heart.
If you do it constantly..there are two possible outcomes.
Either your brain will learn to love it, or it will simply become even worse..But non the less, you MUSTN'T give up!

Do you want to be like this!?



субота, 26. октобар 2013.

Good Night

Hello Raw community!

After a tiresome day, filled with a lot of training.. we need to get a good night sleep.
Rest and dream of the muslce torture that awaits us tomorrow, never let go..and remember..



Weekend pump!

Hello Raw comunity!

Most people wait for the weekend to relax and take a cheat day...BUT you and I are not like them. We take ANY opportunity to dominate everything in our path.

If you dont go to a gym on the weekend( than that is not a real gym ) stay at home and work from there.
Go for a run, come back and before taking a shower, throw yourself on the grown, and do pyramid pushup series from 1 to 10 and than from 10 to 1.
After than, do a static exercise for yoru abs, lets say you will be tired , but do 3 sets of 5 minutes. than take a shower..and just go to your bed and relax for a 15 minutes.

If you do not know any of the above mentioned exercises, please do contact us at
yohblogging@gmail.com or simply go to our Facebook page and ask your question there.


петак, 25. октобар 2013.

Big muslces

Hey there Raw community.

Have you ever wondered why and HOW is one of your friends who trains less than you getting bigger faster? Well the answer is simple.. genetics play a huge role, but form and a strict died play even a bigger role.
If that friend, trains with great posture, eats well, and sleeps nice, his body will regain full strength faster than your and therefore will ascent much faster.

The key ingredient to becoming a monster is this :
    -When you wake up, do NOT go to the fridge and stuff your face with food, even if it is healthy.
            -When you wake up, go for a walk or a short jog so you get your circulation to wake up as well..
            -have a healthy breakfast, if a meal has less than 4 different colors, it isnt worth eating.
            -* that is the way how to start a day..
            -later during the day.. when the time comes for a work out. do NOT speed it, do not go heavier than your friend just because you can. NO! focus on yourself, it is not a competition, its every MAN for himself. So focus on making each and every rep count.
            -When the muscle starts hurting , don't speed up your training, slow it down and focus on your form, because that's what actually counts, the hurting reps.

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недеља, 20. октобар 2013.

The beginning


We come to you as a group of people who want to motivate the youth to live healthy,train and become the strongest versions of themselves.

First of all, we are called RAW for a reason.. we will cut ALL THE BULLSHIT and go directly with our tips tricks and secrets. You do NOT need to be giving us a ton of money for something that you can obtain so easy.
The bull* that most of the "pros" sell to you guys, is a hoax.. it worked for someone, and that doesent mean it will work for you and if it does, that it will work in the same way. All of us are different in a way, so yeah. You have to find out whats the best for you, and this is the place for that.

We are constantly googling people who are wise in this field and could join our legion of RAW so we can grow as fast as possible, and bring our bodies to the next step. To kick of the new step towards evolution.

So share our Page, tell people about our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Raw-BodyBuilding/294480163992190?hc_location=timeline